The Burlington Bay Ghost Back in the 1800s, a young man worked with two shipmates who were not so fond of him on a cargo ship. One day, while he was working, he lost his footing and his leg got caught in between the dock and the ship. He tried pulling his leg out and asking his shipmates to help him. Unfortunately before he got his injured leg out, the ship came into the dock and completely crushed his leg.
His shipmates, who did not much care for the young man, simply picked him up and abandoned him behind a tavern. The mans bloodcurdling screams could be heard throughout Burlington Bay. The tavern owner heard him and went to investigate, only to find a young man on a bench screaming in pain with a bloody, crushed leg. He took him into the tavern and laid him on a table, called the doctor and waited with the young man. The doctor arrived, assessed the situation, and decided to amputate.
With only the simplest of tools, a saw, and no anesthetic, the young man was in even more pain as the doctor sawed off his leg, right there in the pub. After completely amputating the young mans leg completely, the poor man died.
If you're walking along the shore of Burlington Bay on a foggy morning, you can still see an old cargo ship, and hear the bloodcurdling screams of the young man who died. Sounds like a promise?
I got this story of the show "Creepy Canada", and I give all the credit to them for my knowing this story, because otherwise I would not have ever even believed in ghosts.
NO, you don't reference ghost stories! If you are seated around a camp fire telling the type of story that makes grown men wet their tighty-whiteys... you don't reference your material (certainly not "Creepy Canada"). If you must; then use,"When I was told this story by a man who in the Burlington Bay bar I laughed at him... but when he left the table he was hopping... ON ONE LEG.... torch under face BOOGA BOOGA BOOGA!"