Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Hell yeah! Deletionpedia returns...

I am now submerged in glorious detailed Engrish information such as:
Nanang Dwi Cahyono, S.Kom: Person who work at ebooktops.com.

I'd like to introduce you to some of the best dressed Nazis I know...
Gay fascism: A similar term, "sodomofascist" also exists, though a Google search seems to indicate it as having less usage (94 results) than "homofascism" (1,750 results) or "homofascist" (16,100 results).
Nice use of Google ("Bobthemul" has 887 results and "Bob the mul" has 5.. take that sodomofascists!!) but I was surprised that they had links to the Gay Mafia!

And finally a legend...
Dave Green (B.A., F.G.S.) is a legend among legends. He is the only teacher of A-level Geology at Sir Thomas Rich's School, Gloucester. He is an history graduate from Keele University. While at Keele he earnt extra money teaching Geography.
He lives on a farm near Lydbrook where he keeps Ducks, Geese, Pigs, Sheep and Llamas. Each day he has to commute the 20-or-so miles to Gloucester, but it is a rewarding trip!

Welcome to Deletionpedia Dave *waves*

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