Wednesday, 20 August 2008

The GOD of geeks!?

His official title is continuity database administrator for the Lucas Licensing arm of Lucasfilm—which means Leland Chee keeps meticulous track of not just the six live-action movies but also cartoons, TV specials, scores of videogames and reference books, and hundreds of novels and comics.
So Chee spends three-quarters of his typical workday consulting or updating the Holocron (Jedi database that looks like a silver cube). He also approves packaging designs, scans novels for errors, and creates Talmudic charts and documents addressing such issues as which Jedi were still alive during the Clone Wars and how long it takes a spaceship to get from Dagobah, where Yoda trained Luke Skywalker, to Luke's homeworld of Tatooine. The Keeper of the Holocron takes this very seriously: "Someone has to be able to say, 'Luke Skywalker would not have that color of lightsaber."

I am still not sure how good/bad a job like Leland's would be.

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