Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Lost? Try asking for directions in Gaelic... (no thanks)

COUNCILLORS in Inverness are set to challenge Highland Council's policy on Gaelic and bilingual roadsigns.

Caithness councillors have already claimed the policy should not apply in their area, because it has no Gaelic heritage, while some councillors in Inverness object to bilingual street signs in the Highland Capital.
Opposition to the policy is being organised by Caithness councillor John Rosie, who said: "Gaelic is not part of the Caithness heritage. Our area is more Viking than Gaelic."
It is understood Councillor Rosie is pressing for Caithness to be excluded from the implementation of the policy and while Gaelic should be visible on welcome signs outside the main towns such as Thurso and Wick, the signage should go no further.
Yes, putting up bilingual signs is complete and utter SNP wank. I don't doubt the existence of the GĂ idhealtachd but I think it's importance in politics is overstated. Are these extra signs (that's the new signs in areas with less than 6% of the population speaking Gaelic) necessary or even desirable? Are these extra signs a waste of time and money? In some areas around Inverness there are more Polish speaking residents than Gaelic speakers .... so why not Polish signage?
Yeah.... SNP political wank.

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